ASP.NET Architecture and its Features

Kavita Verma
Published in
3 min readOct 30, 2018

Developed by Microsoft, is a platform for web development and is used for the web-based applications creations. ASP means active server pages and NET is network enabled technologies. The Platform was first released in the year 2002. It offers the model of programming which is a comprehensive infrastructure of software. It includes services that are necessitated for building up the robust PC applications and for the mobile devices. platform works on the HTTP protocol top and consists of the use of its commands and guidelines for setting the browser-to-server cooperation and bilateral communication. is the Microsoft and net platform part. The applications of the platform are compiled codes, written with the use of constituents like reusable and extensible or the objects that are available in the net framework. The applications of the platform can be written in the languages of.Net. It consists of C#, VB.Net, and J#. High-scalability and the performance of ASP.Net are the features of ASP.Net applications with extended and new features. The best thing about the platform is that it doesn’t restrict the script languages. It has become one of the dominant solutions for creating the applications of the web.

Architecture and components of ASP.NET

The architecture of ASP.Net framework is based on the below elements:


It includes the different assortment of languages framework. The languages variety includes C and These languages are usable for the applications of web development.


The framework of.Net integrates the set of libraries that are of standard class. The general library that can be used for the applications of the web is the web library. It accumulates all the required constituents which are used for developing the .Net applications which are web-based.

Common language runtime

It is a platform of.Net programs which are implemented on this platform. The users can use this to perform important activities like the collection of garbage and handling of the exception.

Characteristics of ASP.NET platform

Following are the primary attributes of ASP.NET which users must know:

Management of state

ASP.Net integrates the facility for controlling the management of the state. The protocol of HTTP is known as stateless. At times, it becomes difficult for the HTTP protocol to store the information of the user and in such situation, ASP.Net initiate the state management so that the problem is resolved effectively.


ASP.Net can efficiently ensure the execution of the caching concept. It enhances the performance of the application. It helps in storing the pages that are requested by the user on a temporary basis by caching the info. Retrieving the pages is easy and faster also improved responses are transferable to the user. Thus, caching can relevantly help in enhancing the application performance.

Code behind mode

It is the notion of separation of code and design. It gets easier for maintaining the application of ASP.Net by making this separation. The type of general file ASP.Net is aspx. The users of the protocol must know the relevance of code behind mode while using the ASP.Net platform.



Kavita Verma

Kavita's world revolves around highly technical sphere! She loves to keep a tab on what's happening in the world of technology.