Statistics Don’t Lie: Understand Data To Grow Your Mobile App

Varsha Thakur
Published in
3 min readJun 29, 2018

The web is flooded with tip and suggestions for developing a successful app. But it can be mind-boggling to understand what’s right and what’s not.

So, we’ve tried to help you by compiling the list of well-researched statistics on mobile app development and usage. Go through these stats to get a better insight into users’ behavior and follow them in your app development practices.

#1 Twenty percent of search queries online was made by voice rather than text in 2016 — Mary Meeker Report

Voice search is all the rage in the internet sphere. Voice recognition technology saves time and typing efforts. You can search while driving or eating without picking up your smartphone. People choose Voice over Text because of convenience and saving their time. It’s best to enable voice search on your app as well as your app website.

#2 Most people access the internet using a smartphone in the morning, desktop during working hours, and tablets in the evening — Smart Insights

Advertise your app to your audience, according to where they are to win expected attention and engagement level of people. It means don’t just optimizing your mobile app for a device, but what time of the day people use that particular device.

#3 Millennials Easily Shell Out Money for Apps

Even if they don’t have deep pockets, the younger generation is comfortable with investing money on apps. Sixty-four percent of younger generation between the ages of 18–34 years paid for apps last year. Nearly 1/5 people paid to download one app every month, on an average.

Source: comscore

#4 Forty-nine percent of Millennials choose apps with high battery usage — Mindsea

When choosing a mobile app, Millennials always prefer the one that consumes less battery power.

#5 People Delete Apps with Ugly Logos

Surprising, but true! Many people delete an app just because they don’t like its logo. This tendency is very common among the younger generation. So when you develop a logo for your app, keep in mind that your logo I much more than a simple image. It establishes the credibility of the mobile app.

A poorly-designed logo makes your app appear untrustworthy and unethical. So, make sure your logo is functional as well as appealing to potential users.

#6 Over 46% of Millennials watch videos exclusively on their smartphones — Business of Apps

Video content is gaining popularity among younger people. They prefer watching videos on apps, like Facebook, Snapchat, YouTube, Netflix, and many more. Videos on web pages prompt visitors to open the app that is best for playing the video.

#7 Millennials Choose an app depending on its functionality (48 percent), social influence of peers (45 percent), and its design (37 percent) — Mindsea

Functionality, design and social influence are three important factors that affect people’s decision to download or ignore an app. People want to know — what can the app do? How can it save their time and improve their life? Is my friend using it? Does it have a clean and modern design?

So, if you want to develop a powerful app that attracts and engage people, develop the one that solves the problem of potential app users.

