Docs in Jira? Eh. GitHub? Mm. Git Histories? Fuck yeah.
The software stack required to build and deploy a web application in the last few years is … complex. It requires an IAAS provider, Linux kernel, operating system, 3–4 applications specialising in data management, template rendering or business logic and caching of various kinds. In addition, the “template and business logic” components have become enormous. My current project has a codebase as follows:
$ sloc path/to/codebaseTotals grouped by language (dominant language first):
php: 3506391 (77.08%)
xml: 771842 (16.97%)
javascript: 262736 (5.78%)
sh: 2903 (0.06%)
python: 1967 (0.04%)
yacc: 1791 (0.04%)
ansic: 1138 (0.03%)
ruby: 211 (0.00%)
perl: 64 (0.00%)Total Physical Source Lines of Code (SLOC) = 4,549,043
Development Effort Estimate, Person-Years (Person-Months) = 1,386.26 (16,635.17)
(Basic COCOMO model, Person-Months = 2.4 * (KSLOC**1.05))
Schedule Estimate, Years (Months) = 8.37 (100.45)
(Basic COCOMO model, Months = 2.5 * (person-months**0.38))
Estimated Average Number of Developers (Effort/Schedule) = 165.61
Total Estimated Cost to Develop = $ 187,265,454
(average salary = $56,286/year, overhead = 2.40).
That’s 4 million lines of code. All of this complexity needs to be maintained, and much of it for many years at a time by large teams. In addition, new features are consistently developed, tested and released and portions of the codebase deprecated and replaced with newer constructs.
This requires pooling of knowledge and coordination among large numbers of people — documentation. That documentation needs to be maintained and accessible by the team of people working on the software for the entire time of the project.
Choosing weapons
At Sitewards, we have three (or more) different tools for managing projects, each that serve different purposes or audiences.
Jira is our canonical project management tool. It is designed to coordinate the creation of user stories, assignment of stories (or story components) to a developer, testing and merging of those stories into a release and the release of software to production.
This is an inherently complex task involving the project management team, customers, developers, QA team and perhaps others, and is the central place where decisions are made around a project.
Well, at Sitewards we use BitBucket — but the process is the same. Bitbucket is used as the version control management tool, and is the primary way we coordinate the actual code changes made to projects. It’s used for creating branches, running pipelines but most importantly (in terms of documentation) submitting pull requests.
There is invariably much discussion on a pull request. Different developers have different thoughts on how each thing should be implemented, and what to them is important. Pull requests are usually approved by someone, and merged into the mainline.
Version Control
At Sitewards, we use git for version control. Git stores the history of all changes made to a repository as far as the codebase was maintained by our, or ideally the previous team.
Perhaps most critically in terms of documentation, it requires that each change is documented as it is applied to the code base. Termed a “commit”, the change is record with the date, time, author and some notes about what the changes were.
Canonical Documentation
Given that we have three different systems (at least) in which we might record project information, it begs the question — where do we go to look it up?
In my mind, the answer is and always should be: git
Git has a number of advantages over the other tools which make it superior as a mechanism to track information:
It is attached directly to the code
Version control is a fundamental part of our development workflow here at Sitewards. Additionally, if GitHub is any proxy it is fundamental to vast chunk of all software development. Indeed, it’s rare that you will find an open source project not available by git, or at least some version control.
This means that the documentation of git is additionally attached to the code. Further, it is even attached directly to the line of code that changed with that commit. Developers can look up documentation right next to the code that they are attempting to understand.
It is distributed with the code
Git commits are, as mentioned, attached to the code. This means that wherever the code is checked out with version control, the documentation is additionally checked out. There are no dependencies on third party tools, nothing locked behind organisational knowledge bases or ticket systems or simply defunct internet servers — at worst, developers can run git log
or git blame
on systems to read the relevant documentation.
No matter what other changes happen organisationally, or even as a project gets transferred between organisations the documentation attached to git commits will remain.
It is extremely well supported
Because git has become the defacto standard version control management tool and writing this documentation is a requirement as part of using the tool, it has become extremely well supported by third party tooling. GitHub specialises in the easy management of the sometimes opaque git (pictured above) but it’s also accessible by almost all IDEs, text editors, browsers etc.
Further, some platforms have standardise overloading it’s plaintext format such that, like Markdown, it still is pleasant to read when the overloading is not present however the overloading provides useful context when viewing in certain platforms.
Lastly, there exists a large amount of tooling that provides additional context around git (such as viewing the “subway” of the merge history) which are made even more useful by this documentation.
It is extremely consistent
Embedding documentation in a git commit is a requirement of git. Git is usually configured to simply reject saving work without including some form of message — even if that message is a somewhat unhelpful fixed bug
There are few other systems that are as consistent as git. Jira, for example, does not require appending a comment with each change of ticket status. Bitbucket doesn’t enforce replying to comments. But git requires documenting with each addition to the codebase. Developers are required to express something, and wedging additional information there is not super difficult.
Accordingly, git will usually be the most up to date documentation.
It is (somewhat) well understood
Given that it’s a requirement of the essentially defacto way to manage software, it’s also become reasonably well understood. Developers are commonly used to operations like git log
to read a linear history of the project, or git blame
to look for context given a particular file change.
Unfortunately the power of commit messages isn’t entirely well understood. It took me quite some years of experience and finding unhelpful commit messages while debugging issues to become as evangelistic as I have about providing context in git commits. However, hopefully this post helps!
Addressing things git can’t track
Unfortunately there are some things this form of documentation is not suitable for. General project steps such as how to deploy, what the architecture and constraints are, what the intent is over time — this is hard to express in git’s linear format.
Luckily, git allows us to save that documentation as files. Simply write it in docs/${FILE}.txt
and commit it. This pattern is well established with the
pattern, as well as in the Linux kernel with documentation the same directory as the code.
In conclusion
There are many different tools that we must keep up to date as we are coordinating a project with all stakeholders. But in my mind, there is only one place which must reflect an accurate summary of all the tools — the same place that manages the actual things being built.
- Matthew Gamble, who drove this lesson home for me initially.