Closing Out 2016 Strong! Bring it, 2017!

Kha Huynh
Published in
2 min readDec 31, 2016

Happy Holidays, Sittereco Friends!

As we look back on 2016, we are so thankful for the journey we embarked on with all of you!

What started at the end of last year as consumer research evolved into a an idea in early 2016. From there, we took your ongoing input as we moved through our early stage startup phases across pilot testing, initial product development, the first round of closed beta testing, and now, we kick off our final round of closed beta testing at the close of the year! That’s right, we have a new version of Sittereco available to closed beta testers, which incorporates your feedback over the past few months! Yes, that means better messaging functionality, invitation ease, a full network with more visibility between parents and sitters, and profiles which are more closely linked to empowerment and seeking role models for ourselves and our kids!

While we are excited about the product development journey, we are just as thrilled by the community of support and empowerment that has resulted from Sittereco’s brand vision. Building on our progress from November, we kicked off our first yoga empowerment event for parents and sitters to engage in just a few weeks back.

We partnered with local wellness entrepreneur Julia Starr of Starr Health Co. and engaged parents and sitters in community-themed yoga, while the kiddos played in a different area and met the sitters before and after the event. We saw excitement across the board, engagement, and as a result, new relationships with parents reaching out to sitters they met, through the app. Most of all, we realized here was another opportunity to strengthen ourselves while empowering one another.

So as we close out 2016, we continue to thank you for being our supporters, believers, and most of all, our purpose. We are so much stronger with you than we would ever be without you.

And in that spirit, let’s continue to build our community of support and empowerment for parents and sitters! As you ring in the new year with your friends and family, we’d love for you to spread the word on the Sittereco app, directing them to sign up at

Happy Sitter-seeking, Happy Empowerment-building, Happy Community-creating, and Happy Almost New Year! Bring it, 2017!

Originally published at on December 31, 2016.

