We are Live and Growing, Thanks To you!

Mana B. Sanghvi
Published in
3 min readApr 5, 2017

As our reason for being and motivation to keep going, we are excited to share that we have had a strong start as we approach 2 months of being live!With almost 4000 engagements, 400 accounts, over 200 sitting requests, and over 200 invitations to connect, we hope to continue to grow with you, for you, and strengthen our community of RECOmmended parents and sitters.

1) To all our Parent and Sitter Supporters:

Expand Recos From Your Network…

By inviting your parent and sitter friends to connect with you.

a) Click the Invite button.

b) Click Contacts.c) Invite your parent and sitter friends with a RECOmmendation (to be visible only to your connected network, if they accept.)

d) Click Send in app to Personalize your invitation before sending through text or email. Here’s an example:

Check out Sittereco, an app for babysitting RECOmmendations from friends! Click to download & create account. Then click this link again to connect with me!

Once your friends accept your connection request, you’ll see each other’s RECOmmendations on your Discover tab under Recos from my Network.

The more personal connections, the more trusted RECOmmendations, and the more personally RECOmmended babysitting relationships you’ll build!

Communities are strengthened by sharing.

Click here to see a video of the Sittereco experience through the lens of a parent…

2) To all our MN Supporters on this Journey:

Thank you for joining us as we spread the word at events across the Twin Cities!

a) Werk It Msp
After just going live, we were thrilled to be celebrated with 29 other social entrepreneurs across the Twin Cities for a runway event! Together, we can do so much more, and this event was a great reminder of our purpose: working hard to create value for our community of parents and sitters.

b) Entrepreneurship and Parenting at Minnebar
We had an incredible discussion with the tech community of parents at one of the largest tech (un)conferences in North America. We learned to keep perspective as much as we shared our experiences. Most of all, in true Sittereco spirit, it was a great reminder that we are not alone in our juggle struggle of parenthood, career ambitions, and life.

c) Beta.MN Sittereco Showcase With 11 Emerging Startups
Last week we shared Sittereco with startup supporters across the Twin Cities. With over 600 attendees at this science fair for startups, we realized the interest, excitement, and passion between parents, sitters, and community members!

d) “She Started It” Movie Screening and Panel of Women Tech Entrepreneurs
Join us tonight as we celebrate women entrepreneurs through a documentary film screening and panel discussion by female founders (including Sittereco’s founder) on women who have “started it” — the what, the why, and the how…

3) To all our National Supporters on this Journey:

Thank You for giving us reason and inspiration to make our way to you!

We hope you’ll a) continue to spread the word to those you parent and sitter friends you lean on and b) share any thoughts, ideas, and feedback you have as we pave our path as an early stage startup.

To all of you, communities are strengthened by sharing. Thank you so much for your partnership!

Originally published at www.sittereco.com.

