Wednesday, 02.02.2022

For the record, Today is still special!

Sivin Kit
Sivin Kit’s Garden
1 min readFeb 2, 2022


La Givrine © Sivin Kit

I’m waiting for Tuesday, 22.02.2022. Now that day would be extraordinarily special. But there’s no harm to celebrating an imperfect special day — Today, Wednesday 02.02.2022.

We don’t always need to have everything aligned to our satisfaction. In fact, a little flaw does remind us of our humanity — especially our frailty, limitations, and mortality. We might not like the odd part that stands out. But perhaps that is what makes us unique.

It doesn’t mean we can’t look forward to the moment where everything seems to fit together nicely. There’s a magnificence in perfection, but there is still a wonder in imperfection. Let’s not forget all the mystery that we can probe again and again when we don’t have it all figured out.

So, on this Wednesday, 2 February 2020, I’d like to celebrate an odd but still special day. May all who embrace imperfection unite! Let’s seize today, claim this moment, accept life with all its unevenness, … and have a good night’s sleep. The other day will come, but for now, I’m treasuring today!



Sivin Kit
Sivin Kit’s Garden

Life Adventurer, Christian Theologian, Transformation Catalyst, Transmodern Malaysian, and Hopetimist