Safety Measures: Identifying hazards and maintaining a safe work environment

Alieza Fernandes
Siwach Machinery
Published in
3 min readJun 30, 2020

Any working environment is deemed better when there are the basic amenities and safety procedures in place for the welfare of the workers as well as all the people who come within the vicinity of the industrial unit. We, at Siwach Machinery pride ourselves in incorporating these safety measures to ensure safe working conditions for the operators and related personnel. To ensure that the workplace hazards are completely eliminated, certain safety norms need to be structured. When we consider Automatic Plants, the risk factor reduces greatly, however we still need to practice essential Safety Measures.

Let us explore some of the ways in which can ensure safety at workplace.

1. Minimum Human Intervention

The first apparent thing that we think of whenever ‘Automatic’ is mentioned, is the elimination of manpower requirement. Although it’s not entirely true as there is a minimum requirement of human intervention at some point, Auto Plants reduce the number greatly making it most safe workplace for all.

2. Steady Operation

To make you production Flow Smooth, it is of highly important to make all the required changes before the plant starts running. Although, the new gen auto plant units are capable of introducing the changes whilst running, it is never advised by the experts. Adjustments in the plant while in operation will only lead to entanglement in the machines which might result in accidents.

3. Safety Covers

The Exposed double Baker unit in any corrugation plant consists of various mechanical parts along with heating plates and pressure rolls which pose a great threat to the operators or any person nearby. Safety covers are needed for the unit to make sure that this proximity to the machine will not place you at risk of getting injured.

4. Inspection before trial

It is of the utmost importance that every individual machine, all configurations and necessary materials are checked and filed by the operators. Any errors or equipment damages should be examined and corrected before the workings begin

5. Dry Run

It is always a good practice to ensure a dry run before the actual production begins. Running the auto plant at a slow speed just to ensure that all the machines are in working order and will not result in any damages or machine breakdowns, warrant safety to the operators.

6. Inspect the Unknown

At some point, any worker might come across something unusual. Maybe a spill, some unknown sound or some loose parts, it becomes imperative that this is inspected. Ignoring and presuming that all is well, can only pose more danger to the surroundings.

Workplace Hazards are unpredictable, we cannot completely eliminate them, but nonetheless, we can use preventive measures to tackle them. It is always advisable to practice all the appropriate safety measures available at our disposal to ensure a safe Working Environment.



Alieza Fernandes
Siwach Machinery

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