
Brant G
Six Degrees of Radio
Jun 23, 2020

by Medeski, Martin & Wood

~ “Groove” jazz ~

I don’t even think that’s a real term, but it’s what I use to describe guys like this and David Holmes. It’s jazzy music with odd time signatures and a solid groove that is outside the usual showcased musicianship and softer instrumentation that you find with contemporary jazz or smooth jazz. It’s mostly instrumental and some of the beats underneath almost sound like a hip-hop producer put them together. I got this soundtrack for 50¢ on sale and bought it mainly for the U2/Sinead O’Connor collaboration. That turned out to not be a great tune, but this one was.

Originally published at http://www.sixdegreesofradio.com on June 23, 2020.



Brant G
Six Degrees of Radio

Dad, husband, game commando, veteran, Army brat, writer, teacher