Little Boy Blues

by Triumph from Thunder Seven

Brant G
Six Degrees of Radio
2 min readJun 7, 2022


~ Number one of my all-time list ~

I probably don’t listen to the song nearly enough for me claiming it’s my number one all-time favorite song for the last 35 years. It was the closing track of the first Triumph album I ever had, and the band has been one of my top three or four favorites pretty much my entire self-sufficient music life. I’ve learned to play parts of it, and even performed it live a few times, although usually badly.

It’s a completely unofficial video, and the story that I see in my mind’s eye has nothing to do with what you’re seeing on screen here, as it definitely takes me back to extended road trips throughout the German countryside living in Europe in the mid-80s, and those mental images have stuck with me ever since.

I’m not sure there is an instrumental out there that is both as incredibly awesome as this one and simultaneously as underappreciated as this one. It’s not just a shred fest, but Rick Emmett turning his lead lines into essentially the lead vocal of what is an instrumental tour de force that should be at the top of every serious guitar players ‘best of’ list.

Thanks for checking out Six Degrees of Radio, and grooving along. If you don’t give this article the finger, or, y’know… a thumb, then I don’t know if you’re digging it or not.



Brant G
Six Degrees of Radio

Dad, husband, game commando, veteran, Army brat, writer, teacher, swiss-army knife of IT project teams