100% of People Who Ignore This “Money Rule” Fail to Increase Their Wealth

This concept was a game-changer for me.

Kristen Walters
Six-Figure Soloprenuer


Credit: Canva Pro

Want to know something I’m not proud of?

Years ago, when I was working as an attorney, I was also living paycheck to paycheck…

Even though I was making six figures.

What’s worse — I thought living that way was totally fine, normal even, because it’s all I’d ever known.

I’d have five figures in the bank at the beginning of the month, and by week three, I was down to double digits.

Stupid. Reckless. Unnecessary.

Financial illiteracy and foolishness aside, there was a deeper reason I was allowing myself to be so reckless with my finances.

My “money set point” was $0.

(Actually, it was negative because I had $20k in credit card debt.)

I could have won a million dollars and been broke a month later.

I was so used to having NOTHING in the bank that it was actually uncomfortable to save, invest, and grow my net worth.

