The “Copycat” Strategy That Made Me Over $1.4 Million as a Creator

Monkey see. Monkey do. Monkey does NOT reinvent the wheel.

Kristen Walters
Six-Figure Soloprenuer


Credit: Canva Pro

Since I quit my job in February 2015 to become a solo creator online, my one-woman business has generated over $1.4 million in revenue.

Depending on your perspective, you might think that’s a little, a lot, or something in between.

Personally, I think it’s pretty cool that we all have the opportunity to earn a liveable wage from the creative ideas in our heads.

Unfortunately, just because the opportunity to make a living as a creator exists, that doesn’t mean it’s a guarantee.

In fact, most creators never even come close.

Take this platform, for example.

According to Medium, only 7.6% of writers earned more than $100 a month through the Medium Partner Program in May 2019.

However, at the same time, there were some writers who earned THOUSANDS on this platform that month.

One writer even topped out at $9,743.90.

