Binder Full of Techies: Tech Jobs in the Trump Administration

Garrett Johnson
Six Four Six Nine
Published in
2 min readDec 1, 2016

We have compiled a list of the positions available in the upcoming Trump Administration — as sourced from the 2012 Plum Book — for professionals focused on technology and digital roles. This list includes roles in numerous executive branch departments: The Office of the Secretary of Defense, The Secretary of Education, The Department of Energy, The Department of Health Resources and Human Resources, The Department of the Interior, Department of Transportation, The Agency for International Development and The Department of Commerce among others. Note that the President appoints roles directly to the White House, executive agencies, seven independent agencies and executive boards and commissions. Some of these roles require Senate confirmation, others do not. We do our best to distinguish the roles that require confirmation.

In total we have found 165 roles that we believe would be filled by a technology professional. Eleven of these are appointed with Senate Confirmation while the remainder are made of up: career appointments, Non career appointments, Limited Emergency Appointments, Limited Term Appointment, Schedule C Excepted Appointment and Appointment Excepted by Statute. Not included in this list are appointments created in 2014 for the United States Digital Service which was created in the wake of the disastrous roll-out of the Affordable Care Act [Obamacare].

The world has changed significantly in the past four years. Since the demand for technical expertise within federal agencies continues to expand rapidly, it’s safe to assume that gaps exist on this list. Please leave a comment with your ideas regarding the technical roles and skill sets the Trump Transition should add to this list and which should be removed.

See this link for the comprehensive list.



Garrett Johnson
Six Four Six Nine

Co-founder of @Joinlincoln. Former founder of @Sendhub and Senate Foreign Relations Committee Staffer.