How SIX network empowers digital creators?

Verajit Raektang
SIX Network
Published in
3 min readJun 27, 2018

The internet contains a lot of data in the form of content, and these contents are in different types and forms. A lot of times we have access to these contents without knowing what goes into the availability of the content. Every content we see online is as a result of the input of content creators, and they are responsible for the quality of contents, however, there seems to be a problem with how the content creators get paid for their content, as they do not get paid well enough for the content provided, and there are other problems being experienced by content creators that need to be dealt with.

The root cause of problems plaguing many systems can be attributed to being a centralized one, and this has been seen in different industries including banks, retail marketing, shipping, healthcare, etc. This is so because by operating a centralized system, power is removed from the people and made central, hence, decisions affecting the operations of the system come from the center regardless of how it affects the users, and also centralized systems also encourage the presence of 3rd parties who interfere with processes.

Centralization has not made it easy for content creators to earn much, and many at times is due to the interference of 3rd parties who act as intermediaries between the content creators and the content publishers. Furthermore, there is also the problem of using the “work today, get paid later” and this has been responsible for the financial liquidity problems facing the industry, hence, making creative workers wait a long time before getting paid.

However, by harnessing the blockchain technology, there has been the creation of various blockchain based platforms to eliminate centralization in these systems, and one of these blockchain based platforms are the SIX network. SIX has been responsible for developing decentralized solutions capable of creating an ecosystem where content creators will experience transparent, fair, sustainable, efficient, and secure means of doing business with the content they create. SIX is introducing something new called Smart Payroll, which has the ability to totally remove the inefficiencies that exist when managing payrolls and contracts, and also eliminating the unfair distribution of profit in the creative industries. Smart Payroll is a function of Smart Contracts that enables the creation of totally fair costs involved in handling services across different sources. Also, the platform comes with “Liquid Platform” which will be a solution to the cash flow problem experienced in the industry. With Liquid Pay, short-term financial liquidity will be provided for the content creators, and there will be the use of Smart Contracts to ensure that there is some form of control of transactions. The platform also makes it possible for content creators to use and earn tokens, loyalty and reward points, which is a way to encourage them, and also contribute to the effective functionality of the SIX economy.

SIX network is one blockchain base platform that will revolutionize the digital and creative industry, and ensure content creators get real value for the content they produce.

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