SIX Wallet is ready to Download!

Verajit Raektang
SIX Network
Published in
4 min readAug 9, 2018

We spent lots of hours to turn caffeine to product source code. Today we are so proud to announce SIX Wallet is ready to download!


In this version, our wallet will be daily life platform that everyone can easily access which redesign those features to answer all the pain points that people is facing.

  1. Access app using only PIN code.
  2. Easily complete all transactions by using the only username. (SIX Wallet to SIX Wallet)
  3. Use public key only to complete your transaction with another wallet. (SIX Wallet to another wallet)
  4. Track your transaction history.
  5. Live cryptocurrency charts.

Full details:

Investor who has claimed the token

If you got a SIX token from claiming process and wish to store your SIX token on SIX Wallet, you need to transfer SIX token to SIX Wallet.

Because in SIX Wallet is using the newest security system called: Multi-signature, which required more that one Private Key to make a transaction. So the wallet from claiming process is cannot be used.
Please find the manual below:

No transaction fee

Moreover, our wallet is not only simplicity and tough security mechanism, SIX wallet will offer no transaction fee (2018) as well.

Promotion code & Download link

Lastly, only those who are reading this article. Download SIX wallet from the link below and use promotion code “WELCOMESIXGB” to get FREE 20 SIX tokens Hurry!!! This promo code is LIMITED!!

SIX Wallet on Website:
SIX Wallet on Android:
SIX Wallet on iOS:

SIX Wallet Instruction:

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

Q: Why SIX Wallet does not have Secret key?
A: Because we use Multi-Signature technology, this is new innovation of security for the blockchain. We spread user’s Secret Key into 4 keys. Two is on user side, two is on Server side. In order to complete the transaction, server needs 3 keys to complete the transaction. So, SIX Wallet account cannot use only one secret key to do the transaction.

Q: Can SIX Wallet receive the transfer of other type of tokens?
A: Cannot for this version, SIX Wallet alpha version can accept only SIX and Stellar Lumen (XLM). For SIX Wallet roadmap will accept other type of tokens.

Q: Can use same user account on SIX network website?
A: Cannot use the account on website, because on website is user for ICO. For SIX Wallet, the users have to use new user by “Sign Up” to create new user.

Q: How about the security of SIX Wallet?
A: Since SIX wallet is working on Multi-signature technology, your wallet is fully secure. Every transaction on SIX wallet will be required at least 3/4 keys to made a transaction.

The first key will be kept by the user who is requesting on the transaction and another one will be kept by SIX network’ s server who will help to confirm those transactions from the user.

All the data from the user side will be encrypted (KEY A) and send to our server which will be clarified and compare with another encrypted data (KEY B). If those 2 key is a match, the transaction will be complete.

In case the server got hacked, your money still safe as hacker did not get data from the user as well as if the user got hacked, the encrypted data (KEY A) will be unmatched with KEY B from the server which means all transaction will be incomplete.

Q: Can I use my existing public address with SIX Wallet?
A: Cannot use the existing public address, because SIX Wallet is not receive the secret key of the address. But you can transfer from your existing address by this instruction:

Q: Why your website wallet using .TH? It’s able to using only in Thailand?
A: It’s not belong to Thailand domain. It’s the mean number 6th. This domain in international and can be used around the world.

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