The Main Features Of SIX Network’s Digital Asset Wallet And Its Future Application

Verajit Raektang
SIX Network
Published in
3 min readJul 2, 2018

The SIX network has been referred to by many in the digital and creative industry as a revolutionary and this is because of the amazing features it offers. The SIX network is a purpose-driven and problem-solving platform that was developed to change the way things are done in the digital and creative industry. One feature that has been integrated to the SIX network is the Digital Asset Wallet.

Currently, personal data is a valuable asset that is capable of changing the society. To unlock the hidden potentials of personal data, an ecosystem or platform that is balanced and at the same time able to increase the trust level between content creators, middlemen and the consumers is needed. The SIX network seeks to provide that ecosystem. The integration of the Digital Asset Wallet on the SIX network has proven to be a wonderful decision. This wallet is way ahead of the regular decentralized wallets we see today and this is because it provides all with the opportunity to store, commerce and connect all decentralized assets or tokens in a decentralized manner.

Features Of The Digital Asset Wallet

  • Store; the SIX network seeks to create a digital wallet that is capable of storing not just cryptocurrencies but other digital assets. This wallet developed by the SIX network will be able to store various blockchain based assets like creative contents that are created. These contents might include; music, films, books etc. Digital copyrights, payrolls, loan, reward tokens can also be stored on this wallet.
  • Commerce; the SIX network seeks to provide the most convenient, enjoyable and decentralized form of commerce. Creative content creators like artists can sell their contents directly from this digital wallet. Also, all relevant stakeholders like aggregators, producers and streaming application providers would be able to connect to the decentralized wallet and with the help of smart contracts pass the revenue sharing flow and copyrights to one another. The goal of the SIX network is to set a global standard where machines would be able to communicate amongst themselves, thus leading to a transparent and automated marketplace.
  • Connect; the Digital Assets Wallet will ensure that users are able to connect with one another. This feature of the Digital Assets Wallet will eliminate the power of control that was previously held by centralized platform providers that take up most of the profits generated. The SIX network will provide a P2P (Peer to Peer) communication for all network users as well as a chatbox.

By quarter 3 of 2018, you will see SIX’s basic crypto wallet features include, but not limit to, (1) sending and receiving SIX and XLM (2) viewing transaction history and (3) wallet recovery. For full information please continue to read full details here

Future Application
The developers of the SIX network seek to make use of the Digital Assets Wallet to ensure that musicians are able to store their work. These works will be stored on the blockchain and these content creators will have the opportunity to sell their contents directly to end consumers’ on the supply chain. These contents created would be sold with a proof of ownership and existence which will ensure that they can be tracked.

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