Photo taken by the author

2x1 in Nature’s Treasures

September Six Word Photo Story Challenge: “Shadows”

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Six Word Photo Story Challenge
2 min readSep 27, 2023


Marvelous creature coming in a set

Whenever I walk back home from work, I pass by a small park filled with all types of butterflies. Yesterday, I stayed a little longer just to appreciate the sounds and beautiful treasures of nature when I suddenly saw a butterfly hovering close by. It stayed long enough for me to take out my phone and take a quick shot.

I really liked how the shadow is almost perfect and it’s not distorted. So… here we now have a 2x1 treasure of nature! One is from a colorful world while the other is within a grayscale, but both are amazing!

What else would you like to have two of?

Just imagine, the graceful movement of the butterfly circling around and its shadow following close by. It was certainly a dance worth seeing!

Thank you Mary Chang Story Writer for this month’s prompt, I loved it!

Thank you to the rest of the SWPSC team Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles, and Sandi Parsons.

If you’d like to read other great six-word stories, I bet you’d love the following writers: B.R. Shenoy, Carmen Micsa, MA in English, podcaster, L Burton, K. Barrett, Bell Dae, Newfound Girl, Gauri Sirur, Penny Grubb and Anne Bonfert.



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Six Word Photo Story Challenge

Just a normal woman with lots to share. I write about art, mental health, entrepreneurship, and lots more. Support me: