A glimpse of my umbrella/ Photo taken by the Author

A Comfort Named Umbrella

September Six Word Photo Story Challenge: “Comfort “


Because of you, I’m always weatherproof

I never leave the house without my umbrella. It is a permanent resident of my bag.

It is a comfort that I can conquer the day, whatever the mood of the blue sky.

In blazing sun or pouring rain, with this umbrella over my head, I am in my comfort zone.

I have weathered all kinds of weather. I have survived the extremes, typhoons and 40C. Because my umbrella made me weatherproof.

The photo above was taken four years ago, when my umbrella was only a day old.

It looks old now — but its consistency to give me comfort never fades away.

And yes, it’s still the one in my bag.



Osan Fernando

A wanderer, a puzzle, a scribbler, a dentist who loves to write anything under the sun & travel anywhere without the sun. osannity25@gmail.com