Credit: Jolemite

A Dinosaur-Sized Illusion

July Six Word Photo Story Challenge: “Cute Creatures”


Believe your eyes, not your eyes.

This dinosaur-sized giraffe is eating from the top of a pine tree.

Do you believe what you see?

Is this giraffe eating a pine tree?

Is the giraffe dinosaur-sized?

When I snapped this picture I ain’t have no idea what I’d captured. My initial thought was it’s a profile of a giraffe with its head hung over its enclosure fence. Upon further review I realized there was more to it.

A pine tree in the distance was positioned so well it appeared the giraffe was eating from the top of it. Further inspection gave the illusion that this giraffe was a modern-day diplodocus!

I wonder what Jeff Goldblum would say if he saw this.

Feel The Mite!



Six Word Photo Story Challenge

Jolemite writes poems and he writes haikus too. Jolemite writes “good” stories just for you. Feel The Mite!