Food | Ireland | Dublin
A Grand Evening in Dublin
August Six Word Photo Story Challenge: “Food”
I admired her marvelous Irish accent.
After a long day of exploring Dublin on foot, my son, his wife, and I were famished. We stepped into restaurants that appealed to us, but all were full. Finally, with our stomachs growling, we secured the last table in an establishment that served Irish cuisine.
My son and I ordered Irish stew, while his wife ordered salad. When the server returned with our meals, we chatted with her.
Finding her accent appealing, I asked, “You sound more Irish than most people I have talked with here. Are you a native of Dublin?”
Her eyes lit up. In a Midwestern American accent like mine, she confided, “No, I grew up in Detroit. I came here for a man.” Pausing, she added, “But we’re no longer together.”
And so it goes that even in Dublin, only some things are as they seem.
I imagine the international crew members leading this publication have marvelous and genuine accents. This includes publisher Mary Chang Story Writer and editors Sandi Parsons and Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles. This month’s challenge creator, Vidya, knows food is a favorite conversation topic worldwide.