Photo by Sherry Atkinson

A Handsome Zebra in a Most Unusual Place

June Six Word Photo Story Challenge: Black & White — Freestyle

Six Word Photo Story Challenge
2 min readJun 20, 2024


Hello there, handsome! Come here often?

Zebras are among the most beautiful animals in the world. Their sleek, muscular bodies and powerful, agile legs enable them to gallop gracefully across the African savannas … Wait! This handsome guy was photographed roaming free with his buddies in rural Alabama in the United States! Not Africa!

Two years ago, for Mother’s Day, my daughter Caylie treated me to a day at the Alabama Safari Park. This is not a zoo where animals have cages and limited space to roam. The park is a drive-through experience where the animals are free to come to your car to receive a vet-approved snack that you can purchase at the entrance. My photogenic model had just slurped up a snack from my hand and was off to the next car when I snapped this photo.

Seeing the animals hang out together in the shade or have a game of chase in the open fields is an experience that I will never forget.

Here is a description of the park from the Sweet Home Alabama website:

The Alabama Safari Park, a 350-acre safari park, opened in 2018 and works to provide animals with as natural a habitat as possible for the more than…



Sherry Atkinson
Six Word Photo Story Challenge

Taking off my mask to write about what matters to me. I enjoy connecting with other writers/authors/poets.