Photo by author. Used with permission by her royal feline, Francis.

A Kitten for Christmas

December Six Word Photo Story Challenge: “Snow & White”

Hollie Petit, Ph.D.
Six Word Photo Story Challenge
2 min readDec 17, 2021


Got boots. Let’s go play outside.

In 2017, I rented an apartment for six months to write a book. I was about three hours away from my husband and dogs so that I couldn’t get too distracted. I took my feline companion with me to keep me company.

Although it was a productive writing period, my cat and I were lonely. A couple of days before Christmas, I visited a cat shelter in hopes of finding my cat a playmate. I envisioned getting an older cat — perhaps one that had been passed over by other adopters. My husband and I have always tried to help less fortunate animals. However, on this day, an adorable kitten who was inappropriately named “Birdy” jumped into my arms and started purring so loud that she squeaked. When she purred hard, she went into a weird spasm that was a cross between a hiccup and a cough. It supposedly wasn’t dangerous, but it was likely preventing her from getting adopted.

My heart melted, and the rest is history. I took her home, renamed her “Francis” (in memory of Saint Francis, the patron saint of animals), and she has ruled supreme ever since.

Thank you, Mary Chang Story Writer for offering us writers a festive place for our pictures and short stories!

