Photo by Walter P.o.p. Matthews IV Meant to be viewed on a laptop or large monitor. The Mother rabbit is on the far left, and the baby is on the far right.

A Rare Mama and Baby Rabbit Sighting

June Six Word Photo Story Challenge: “Black & White — Freestyle”

Walter Pop Matthews IV
Six Word Photo Story Challenge
1 min readJun 30, 2024


Two Rabbits on a grassy knoll

After a refreshing walk, my destination ends outside my building, where I park my car. In the hotter months, I get in my car and turn on the air to cool off. Sometimes, I even record a YouTube video because my car is a great mobile recording studio.

While sitting in my car, I look to my right and see this wild rabbit moving about and grazing on this small hill of grass. I noticed this rabbit was larger than the wild rabbits I usually see on walks. Its size became more significant when I saw another rabbit on the same knoll.

It was rare for me to see two wild rabbits close to each other. Most of them I see are solo. Then I realized how much smaller the other rabbit was and put it all together. This is a Mother and a child. It was nice being still in my car, watching them interact. Undisturbed wildlife is on display from the comfort of my car.



Walter Pop Matthews IV
Six Word Photo Story Challenge

A writer who has written an autobiography in poetry form, songs, a play and thought provoking commentary on various online platforms.