Canada Geese and babies. Photo by author.

A Reflection of the Parents

April Six Word Photo Story Challenge: “Reflect”


Even baby geese mimic their parents.

Children learn by following, copying, and mimicking what they see and witness their parents do. Seeing is believing, after all.

Telling them to do the right thing only matters if they see you doing the right thing.

Children and offspring are a reflection of this generation. They absorb and reflect the energy and emotions they are surrounded by.

Surrounded by love, they will reflect that love on others. Surrounded by hate, and that’s what their lives will reflect.

Whether animals or humans, kids are mirrors of their parents. Be careful what you say and do because they are always watching, always listening.

Thank you Sandi Parsons for this month’s “reflect” challenge.



Currently living in an RV full time and traveling across North America. The goal is simply to write about it. Editor of Fiction Shorts, the Challenged, and ROD.