A giant puddle that appears after it rains on a country road, not far from where I grew up in Bulgaria. Credit: Krasi Shapkarova

After the Rain, Puddles Everywhere

November Six Word Photo Story Challenge: “Collecting Smiles!”

Krasi Shapkarova
2 min readNov 20, 2022


Puddles capture my imagination, inviting smiles.

When I was a kid, I fully believed that what I saw in puddles wasn’t a reflection of this world but rather the entrance to another one.

A much more exciting and full of all kinds of creatures, quests, and adventures world. A world in which I crossed mountains and enchanted forests and the seven seas, fighting boredom and collecting stories.

I wanted nothing more than to be granted access to this other world.

So I kept jumping in, hoping to eventually get to the other side.

As it often happens with the stories our childhood imagination creates, however, I’d completely forgotten about this one.

I’d forgotten, that is, until recently when — as I was walking my three-year-old nephew to kindergarten — I noticed that he loves to jump into any puddle we come across (Is there a kid out there who doesn’t love jumping in puddles???), and there have been many puddles after days of rain in Madrid, which is where I find myself these days.

I couldn’t help but smile at his complete thrill of jumping into puddles, and I couldn’t help but smile remembering the world that awaits my nephew if he ever makes it to the other side.

Thank you, Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles, for the fun and creative challenge!



Krasi Shapkarova
Six Word Photo Story Challenge

Certified Career Management & Strengths Coach | Writer | Teacher | Reader | Walker | Nomad