Boots on Persian rug, New York.
K. Joseph boots at home after a long week of work. © K. Joseph, 2024

Ahhhhhhhh, yes!

April Six Word Photo Story Challenge: “Reflect”

K. Joseph
Six Word Photo Story Challenge
2 min readApr 19, 2024


I am happy to be home.

Curled up on the sofa, the faint glow of the TV casting dancing shadows on the ceiling, I let out a contented sigh. Friday night, and I feel exhilarated and fulfilled.

I love my job. It isn’t just a paycheck. It is a mental playground. I’ve told folks work allows me to use my whole brain, and they’d chuckle, but it was true.

Most weeks, even my dreams weaved in and out of work. I’d replay critical conversations, plan solutions to problems, and create to-do lists. I would do this all this while nestled in the land of REM sleep.

This week, the intensity had been on another level.

It started with an energizing offsite-onsite retreat with my peers. Then, it was straight into a two-day walk-the-wall planning session with my team. It was consuming but in the best way possible. We emerged with a clear understanding of the work, a plan for success, and a tighter bond.

As the saying goes, we left everything on the field. We finished it.

And now, I am home. Here, in the sanctuary of my living room, the frenetic energy of the week finally began to ebb away. I unlaced my boots, and the sound was a satisfying punctuation mark for a…



K. Joseph
Six Word Photo Story Challenge

Change management leader sharing ideas and experiences that may help you navigate the world of work with your fellow humans.