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An Old Hunting Blind Triggers Old Memories

March Six Word Photo Story Challenge: “Retro or Old”

2 min readMar 28, 2024


Bambi, be careful in the clearing.

Pow! Mom? Mom? MOM?!?!

Who had the great idea to off the Mom in a children’s movie? Seriously, somebody must have read this script and thought “Yeah, the kids are gonna love this part.”

Don’t get me wrong, mortality and loss are important, if uncomfortable, aspects of life that we all need to come to terms with at some point. I just don’t remember signing up for this when I sat down to watch an animated children’s movie starring a cute, cuddly deer fawn and her cute, cuddly friends. I’m just sayin…

When Mary Chang Story Writer announced the March Photo Story Challenge I had trouble picking a photo. There’s so much old stuff in Germany. Old houses. Old churches. Old traditions. Heck, we still use fax machines around here.

I had almost decided on a photo of an old house that we rented four years ago (and by “old” I mean the house was built in the 15th century). But then I cycled past this old hunting blind at the perfect moment, whipping out my phone just in time to capture the setting sun through the broken panes of glass. The hunting blind and the deer grazing nearby stirred up childhood memories of Bambi. The memories and the hunting blind are both old, so hopefully this qualifies. This particular hunting blind has clearly seen better days so I hope the deer in this clearing can graze peacefully.

Anyone know the statute of limitations for childhood trauma caused by animated films?



Parent, scientist (oceanography and remote sensing), and drone pilot