Immature Bald Eagle with a fish in its talons.
An immature Bald Eagle flies with a fish in its talons as Mallard ducks scurry. ©️ 2022 Randy Runtsch.

Birds, Wildlife, and Photography

Beware the Eagle’s Talons

March Six Word Photo Story Challenge: “Pet People”

1 min readMar 11, 2022


Watch for Clear and Present Danger

On trips to the Upper Mississippi River in Minnesota this winter, I watched dozens of Bald Eagles as they fished in the frigid water. While circling overhead, when the raptors spotted a fish near the surface, they would swoop down and capture it with their talons. Then, they would fly to a tree limb to consume their prey.

Sometimes, dozens of ducks, including Mallards, Goldeneyes, and Common Mergansers, swim where the eagles fish. Always ready, they scamper when the eagles swoop down. While I have not seen an eagle catch a duck, I have heard it happens.

This never-ending story of the eagles, fish, and ducks evokes images of our troubled world. Like the ducks that ply the Mississippi River in peace, it pays to prepare and watch for clear and present danger.

While I don’t have any pets at the moment, I am fond of wildlife and in awe of eagles. Thanks to publisher Mary Chang Story Writer for the monthly challenge and for being flexible with the definition of “pet people.”



Writer | Photographer | Outdoor Lover | Adventure Cyclist | Business Owner | Data Analyst | Software Developer