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Black Swan

January Six Word Photo Story Challenge: “Fun”

Anandhi Palaniappan
1 min readJan 10, 2024


Got the entire lake to herself.

When we were in Hawaii, we visited Byodo temple. It is a Buddha temple. The temple was really beautiful.

They had a lake inside that temple and I found a black swan swimming all alone. I felt that even though she was alone, she was having fun swimming in the entire lake.

I went and tried to touch that swan, and it swam away. Black swans are rare, and this is the first time I've seen one. I watched it for a long time.

These swans were gifted to the temple from Australia. It was swimming in the koi pond, where a lot of koi fish were.

It was a beautiful sight and I felt compelled to take many pictures of it.

Thank you to all the editors of the Six Word Photo Story Challenge.



Anandhi Palaniappan

Once an IT professional, now a full time stay at home.I write articles on mental health,nature,fitness,humor….