Photo Credit: Sandi Parsons

Photography, Collections | Sandi’s October Prompt

Collections: October Prompt

October Six Word Photo Story Challenge: “Collections”

6 min readOct 1, 2022


Additions to my Christmas tree, 2022.

My six word story needs to come with a disclaimer — these are my Christmas tree additions for 2022 so far. After all, it’s only October, and weeks of pre-Christmas shopping remain.

My Christmas tree has some strict rules. In a nutshell, all my decorations hail from pop culture — but they all have something Christmassy going on. Otherwise, it couldn’t really be called a Christmas tree … it would just be a random tree with toys.

I’ve been collecting pop culture Christmas decorations since 1999. Bluey, Bingo, and (yet another) Grinch join my hoard this year.

Small confession — this year I have to buy a new tree. The old one is starting to show its age and looking a bit straggly, which also means it’s running out of room. Any excuse for shopping will do, right?

The October Challenge is “Collections” brought to you by me— Sandi Parsons

The concept is to take a photo that somehow captures the meaning of “Collections,” whether abstract or…



Sandi Parsons lives & breathes stories as a reader, writer, and storyteller📚 Kidlit specialist, dipping her toes in the big kid’s pool.