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Comfortable Porch Memories

September Six Word Photo Story Challenge: Comfort

Paul Gardner
1 min readSep 30, 2022


Soon, summer will be only memories.

Our house sits between two screened-in porches.

That’s our back porch in the photo.

It was chilly yesterday, so I took this photo from the comfort of a sitting room that blends into a kitchen.

During the summer, we sit on the back porch in the morning and move to the front porch in the afternoon and evening, as the day gets warmer.

The back porch is the place my partner Rebecca and me plan our summer days.

When will we bike?

What will we have for dinner?

Is it a good day to catch up with our kids?

And sip coffee.

Early evening, we eat dinner on the front porch.

And talk over what we’ve done.

It was a great bike ride.

An easy meal.

Things are going well in Houston, Marblehead, DC, and Decorah.

And sip wine.



Paul Gardner
Six Word Photo Story Challenge

I’m a retired college professor. Politics was my subject. Please don’t hold either against me. Having fun reading, writing, and meeting.