My Photo-Osan

Nature Art/ Monthly Challenge

Crown Of Thorns

Spring Six Word Photo Story Challenge: “Nature Art”

Osan Fernando
Six Word Photo Story Challenge
1 min readJun 14, 2022


The Hunt for Red Christ Thorn

I have waited for those flowers to fall. After a month of waiting, I found them on the ground. Truly, there is a gift for those who waited.

I picked the 6 fallen flowers and some dried leaves and place them in a log of wood nearby.

Those flowers are called Euphorbia miliii, with common names — the crown of thorns, Christ plant or Christ thorn, named after Baron Milius, who introduced the species to France in 1821.

The common name is due to the spiny stems like the thorns Jesus had to wear during his crucifixion and the red bracts is to his blood.

The source of all my “nature art” is my mother’s garden. She passed six years ago. She loved anything red and in red. And when I saw the flowers on the ground, I knew she wanted me to think of something for the spring six word photo challenge. And that’s it.



Osan Fernando
Six Word Photo Story Challenge

A wanderer, a puzzle, a scribbler, a dentist who loves to write anything under the sun & travel anywhere without the sun.