Photo by author (Pepper Parlor in Tokyo)

Eeek… Is This Our Future?

Six Word Photo Story: Freestyle

Anthea Jones
Six Word Photo Story Challenge
2 min readJul 7, 2024


Where have all the people gone?

We’ve recently returned from a two week family holiday in Japan, and one of the kids requested we visit a robot cafe.

So after a Google search and a headfirst dive into the currents of the Tokyo Metro, we surfaced at Pepper Parlor.

It was eerie to be in a hectic city of over 14 million people and see only robots. They tracked our movements and danced, enticing us in. There were easily double the number of robots shown in the photo.

I had been hunting for a black and white photo op for the June challenge and this seemed perfect. I only took my phone to Japan and quickly gave up trying to use it to edit and submit stories, so this became a freestyle photo, but as a beginner photographer, I’m very happy with it.

Huge thanks to Six Word Photo Story Challenge for inspiring me to view the world through a different lens.

This photo by Kim Zuch gave me a laugh, but let’s hope it’s effective.



Anthea Jones
Six Word Photo Story Challenge

I write whimsical stories of colour, excitement, joy and revenge. And I'm kind of fascinated by words and language. And play, especially in teens and adults.