Rambling River in Farmington, Minnesota. Photo by Ellie Jacobson.

Photography, Comfort | Ellie’s September Prompt

Falling Into Comfort: September Prompt

September Six Word Photo Story Challenge: “Comfort”

Six Word Photo Story Challenge
6 min readSep 5, 2022


Falling back into comfort in September.

I know it’s not officially Fall yet, but something about the start of September signals Autumn to me — my favorite season of the year.

No, it’s not about the pumpkin spice lattes (sorry, not a fan of those but love pumpkin spice in pies LOL), but it’s the coziness of the season. A time when temperatures dip, so you have to pull out sweaters and sweatshirts again. A time for s’mores with a side of laughs with family and friends around a bonfire. Football games and back to school. A sense of routine again.

My greatest Fall memories stem from my childhood, taking walks around St. Paul with my mom as the sun was setting. She was a single mom with a full-time career. Those one-on-one memories of strolling through our close-knit neighborhood are the dearest. She told me once, “I love to peek in people’s windows to see how they decorate for Autumn and Halloween.”

This time of the year is when communities come back together after a season of road trips and vacations away. Time to get the kids back to school and decorate for the…



Ellie Jacobson
Six Word Photo Story Challenge

Editor at Flash Fiction Magazine & Intrepidus Ink | Flint & Steel editor | MFA candidate working on first novel | mom to 2 kitties, 2 teenage sons & many cats