Sunset reflection, Limassol. Photo by author

Flaming Canvas

April Six Word Photo Story Challenge: “Reflect”


Vibrant hues silently paint a masterpiece.

I had taken my camera on my evening walk to photograph the sunset. Winter sunsets vary in Cyprus due to cloud cover; that particular evening several weeks ago, the spectacle did not disappoint.

As I was shutting off my camera to prepare for home, I lifted my gaze to the right to behold the flaming sight reflected in the glass doors of a coastal restaurant.

The reflected evening glory was the masterpiece I was looking for.

I enjoyed Kim Zuch’s response to the challenge:

Photographer Lauri Novak had a unique perspective on the challenge:

Thanks for reading.



Olive Wilson
Six Word Photo Story Challenge

From N. Ireland, currently in Cyprus. Passionate about photography, travel, languages, faith and creativity. Photos at