“Fly — it’s freestyle!” Photo by me.

Photography | Six | Mary’s December Prompt

Freestyle Six: December Prompt


Be free! Fly — you’ve got wings.

The December Challenge is “Freestyle Six” brought to you by me — Mary Chang

This month, we’re going back to the basics, and December is about simplicity. All submissions will be “freestyle.” This means your photo story can be about a topic of your choice.

The only requirement is that it must be six words. And absolutely no backstory! Six words, one photo. The story must connect to the photo in some way. That’s it. That’s why I’m calling it “Freestyle Six.” Ideally, your photo is fabulous, too — I’m looking for high-quality, unusual, vibrant photo stories.

Most of our writers submit 2-minute backstories to support their photographs with their submissions, so the real challenge here is only to submit a six-word story.

Can you do it?

Let your spirit soar — give yourself the freedom to make those six words fly!



Mary Chang Story Writer
Six Word Photo Story Challenge

Finding shine through exercise, nature & people stories. Fueled by cartwheels, open water swimming & grit. Kid at ❤️