That author’s rain-drenched road bike in an alley in Atlanta, Georgia, USA. Photo by the author.

Ghost Rider on the Storm

May Six Word Photo Story Challenge: “This is Me”

Randy Runtsch
Six Word Photo Story Challenge
2 min readMay 8, 2024


Ride, Randy. Ride anywhere and everywhere.

When I was five, my brother Mike helped me remove the training wheels from my first bicycle, a black Schwinn with twenty-inch wheels. Next, from our house’s second-floor balcony, he dropped the end of a tin can telephone down to me as I mounted my bike in the backyard below.

Mike gave me riding instructions over the phone. Then, I pushed the pedals and tried to ride around the yard.

After each lap, I stopped at the phone to await further instructions from my big brother. Then, I pedaled around the lawn again.

Finally, after an hour and six or seven laps, I was free of training wheels forever.

I credit my brother Mike for that initial cycling success. The memories are vivid 59 years later.

I love to ride as often as possible and anywhere and everywhere. In 2014, at age 55, I picked up the pace. Since then, I have ridden 21,000 miles (33,796 km) on my two bikes. This time, I credit my oldest son, super-cyclist Nick, who encouraged me to ride farther. He has far exceeded 21,000 miles of riding in the same period.



Randy Runtsch
Six Word Photo Story Challenge

Writer | Photographer | Outdoor Lover | Adventure Cyclist | Business Owner | Data Analyst | Software Developer