Selfie by author.
Selfie by author

Graduation 2021

January Six Word Photo Story Challenge: “Self”


Wondering if I can outrun others.

This selfie is of me at my nephew's graduation party this past summer in Kalispell, Montana.

January’s Six Word Photo Story Challenge is to show ourselves doing something scary or challenging ourselves in some way outdoors.

The party was down a hill on the side of my sister’s house. I’m deathly afraid of bears and to sit in the yard like a tic tac candy was a stretch for me.

My six word story of wondering if I could outrun others is a joke, but at least I know I could beat my mom up the stairs. Okay, that’s a joke too!

Thank you, Mary Chang Story Writer, for your creative publication, Six Word Photo Story Challenge.



Kris Bedenian
Six Word Photo Story Challenge

I’m a writer who has journaled for 26 years. My battle with breast cancer has given me a new perspective on life. Writing is a way for me to give back.