Photography | Building | Vidya’s November 2024 Prompt
Great Blue Heron Population Boom
November Six Word Photo Story Challenge: “Building”
Building a nest is hard work.
Few birds are as magnificent as the Great Blue Heron. Southwest Florida. In Southwest Florida, it is hard to avoid them. They are everywhere. And everywhere they are, you see smiles on peoples’ faces.
Every day, I visit a nearby pond to look for wildlife. Late last month, I noticed that a beautiful Great Blue was perched on the same branch of a shoreline tree. For more than two weeks, I greeted the bird daily and took photographs.
One day earlier this month, I noticed a second, larger Great Blue had joined the first one. The two birds were looking at each other. I imagined them to be love birds. At one point, their long beaks touched one another. Do Great Blues kiss?
While I was watching the birds, the large one launched from its nest and settled on the shoreline. I followed the bird. It was looking for twigs. It found one, secured it firmly in its mouth, and flew off to the nest.
My two Great Blues are starting a family. A nest is under construction.
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