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Half Empty!

July Six Word Photo Story Challenge: “Cute Creatures”


Why Is My Glass Half Empty?

Not enough wine!

Billoo is looking a bit sad and wistful! Like the hero of a sad story, who tries to forget his sorrows in a glass of wine and wonders why there is never enough wine!!

Reminds me of an Urdu couplet in which the poet expresses disappointment with the state of affairs in his favourite pub.

“Why theresn’t even that much wine in the pub, that I used to leave in my glass”

AAj Utni bhi nahi Maykhane mei; Jitni hum chorh diya karte thei Paymane mei!

In this photo, Billoo certainly looks quite ‘cute’.

This story is in response to the July Six Word Story Challenge “Cute Creatures”!

Here is a link to this prompt.



Neera Handa Dr

Top writer in poetry & Sustainability, compulsive writer, reading, writing just about anything. I write daily, have published a PhD, a book & academic articles.