Photo by Author

Heart Happy via Pancakes

Six Word Photo Challenge: Freestyle

Newfound Girl
Six Word Photo Story Challenge
2 min readFeb 19, 2024


Fluffy makes a heart feel full.

I didn’t have a chance to make pancakes on Pancake Tuesday. Instead, I waited until Sunday morning when the house was quiet, and I had time to prepare. My hotcakes are from a box, only needing water and time to activate. I dropped the batter into a hot pan with lots of butter swirling around the bottom.

After I gave the first batch to my daughter, I stacked two for me. Copious amounts of Quebec Maple Syrup pooled over the two, creating a pool at the edge of the plate. Coffee in hand, it was time to eat.

I paused when I saw it.

The heart happened by fluke. It was random, and it made me happy. The spools of batter and butter came together to create that shape. The liquid looked like black water leaking from the organ. The plate was old and worn with time, yet it held something golden.

I feel like that plate. Worn with time, waters of doubt and worries leak from my heart. It’s pooling on the edge of my life. Soon, I’ll be able to wash it away. For now, it is leaving my heart in a better condition. Ready to live. Ready to consume.

Fluffy does this heart good.



Newfound Girl
Six Word Photo Story Challenge

Tales about growing up in Newfoundland. And anything else that tickles my fancy!