Pink heart-shaped leaf
Photo by Laura Lind

Hearty Appreciation for the Fall

February Six Word Photo Story Challenge: “Love & Hearts”

Laura Lind
Six Word Photo Story Challenge
2 min readFeb 6, 2023


A change of heart is beautiful.

Fall is a tricky season for me. Dread encroaches as the days shorten. I feel winter’s approach, and brace myself for darkness, sub-zero wind chills, and the tentative avoidance of icy patches on roads and sidewalks.

But in worrying, I overshadow the many spectacular facets of fall. I love walking among fall’s hues in more tolerable temperatures than those of summer.

My phone’s photo app is crammed so full that I half expect the app’s icon to swell. Yet I can’t resist stuffing it with more photos when I’m surrounded by fall’s displays.

I enjoy taking photos of heart shapes in nature. This past fall, I found this striking one on a tree. It stood out from the others — an appropriately pink heart against a background of yellow and green.

As the autumn colors change around me, maybe I can appreciate the season in its many beautiful moments, without burdening it with anxiety over what’s to come.

In the future, perhaps I, too, can have a change of heart.

Here are some more stories featuring my photos, if you’d like to take a peek:

Photo Stories

131 stories
Yellow warbler being held in a person’s hand
Chipmunk sitting on a rock, facing the camera
Dying stalks of an alstroemeria plant in a pot of soil. Near the top of the photo is a green sprout.



Laura Lind
Six Word Photo Story Challenge

I write articles about music, pop culture, mindfulness, nature, and animals. I enjoy sharing life lessons, memoir, and photos, too.