Spring pink cherry blossoms fluttering in the wind | nature photography | © pockett dessert
© pockett dessert, cherry blossoms

Spring | Pink Blossoms | Nature

Hello, Spring Blossoms: A Dance In A Pink Paradise 🌸

March Six Word Photo Story Challenge: Movement

2 min readMar 20, 2023


Spring blossoms doing the happy dance.

Say hello to pink blossoms—optimistic, dancing in the wind. Does anyone notice a spring in their step? Is happy that nature awakens from its long slumber?

Nap time is over. I’m ready!

Spring inspires forward momentum.

In winter I plot and plan,
in Spring I move
— Henry Rollins

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Blossoms bloom

the first promise of spring,
beautify even the grayest landscape,
scatter at the first gust of wind.
But when you look at them
you steal a little view of paradise.
— Georgia Kakalopoulou

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A cherry tree

was coming into bloom
shooting out
a froth
sugar-pink blossoms.



pockett dessert
Six Word Photo Story Challenge

🧿 writer‿.➶ ° *➴ artist ‿.➶ ° *➴ photographer ‿.➶ ° *➴ certified reiki master | Editor for Write Under the Moon and heart trails pub