Limestone History. Photo by author.

Historic Tagging?

April Six word Photo Story Challenge: “Graffiti & Street Art”


Mark territory. Mine. Mine. Remember me!

Century-old signatures, like a fading echo, make me lean forward and listen carefully, filling in the blanks of what can’t be heard.

We lived in a historic mill, converted to be our home. Although not particularly artistic, and certainly no Bansky, the inside of this dutch door always fascinated me. The mill was built in 1869. “J.S. Early” marked the space in 1880, and James Taylor in 1931. I always assumed the top “John S. Early” signature was an ancestor of the 1880 Early.

Who were these men, and why were they compelled to mark the space they owned? Is it historic branding, or the eternal need to own, to claim, and to leave a legacy?



Marie F. Jones
Six Word Photo Story Challenge

Librarian-turned-Business Professor. Curious human. Random thoughts, leadership, photos, memoir, books.