©Ian Hanson


April Six Word Photo Story Challenge: “Graffiti & Street Art”

Ian Hanson
2 min readApr 15, 2022


Inspired by the local cat population.

You don’t have to make it big, to make a difference.

I grew up thinking of my dad as an artist.

He never sold any books. He never contracted any huge commissions. As far as I know, he never won any big awards.

But we always considered him an artist.

Some paintings hang on the wall. Sometimes we get drawings for Christmas. Likely it was he who off-handedly inspired me to care about photography.

We celebrated Easter early this year when my nephew and his parents could be with us. On the only nice day in the last few weeks, Dad lay on the sidewalk, with his fancy chalks, and did a little street art.

Twenty-four hours later, winds, snow, and hail took the art away. I still think Dad is an artist.

Quick shoutout to other Six Word Story artists out there as well, head over to their pages and see what kind of art they’ve been cooking up.

Penny | CARMEN | Denise | Vidya | Osan | Robin | Sandi | Anne | L | Sanghita | Deborah | Barb | Jason | B.R. | Dennett | Elin | Ellie | K. | Chris | pockett

