Photo Credit: King Family Archives


I Don’t Always Play Fair in Competitions

May Six Word Photo Story Challenge: “This Is Me”

2 min readMay 9, 2024


A rare moment of absolute silence.

I was a loud, noisy baby. I had my reasons. I was seriously ill, and nobody knew it at the time.

My full head of black hair didn’t last long (maybe six months?) Which is good — I don't think black hair suits me. But it IS perfect for creating confusion at competition time.

There’s always a photo-based competition at the Year Six camp. Sometimes, it’s “guess the staff member’s desk” — mine is always the one full of books, so everyone guesses my desk correctly straightaway.

My favourite competition is the “match the baby photo to the staff member”.

I’m still loud, and when sunlight hits my hair, it’s fire-engine red. This means that not once has anyone guessed that the serene little black-haired baby is me.



Sandi Parsons
Six Word Photo Story Challenge

Sandi Parsons lives & breathes stories as a reader, writer, and storyteller📚 Kidlit specialist, dipping her toes in the big kid’s pool.