Yes, we did! Vidya Sury ©


I Saw An Apple Tree For the First Time in My Life!


Best day ever with my BFF

I arrived in New Jersey on a pleasant morning in October 2023, where my friend was waiting for me. After squishing each other in hugs, we headed home. Talking nineteen to the dozen (I’ve wanted to say that for a while now), we started making plans over coffee and breakfast.

The weather determined what we did — and since we didn't fancy going out when it rained, we decided to make the most of that sunshiny day. When I told her I had never seen an apple tree, she was shocked. And immediately made arrangements to visit a farm nearby. Luckily it was Fall and the perfect time to go apple picking!

We had the best time ever — eating and picking apples straight from the tree. There were at least 15 apple varieties and we went crazy overeating them! We also picked a whole bag full to bring back home with us. Just before leaving, we had fun at the pumpkin patches next to the apple orchard, trying to lift the largest ones. Still chasing my friend to send me those pictures. Sigh. Or that would have been a fun-ner photo — me lifting pumpkins, right?



Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles
Six Word Photo Story Challenge

Boost Nominator, Publisher, Namaste Now! Editor, The Narrative Arc, Poet. Loves coffee, travel, cooking, photography, kicking diabetes' ass.