Bannerghatta Biological Park, Bangalore — Vidya Sury ©


Is That Face Familiar?

July Six Word Photo Story Challenge: “Cute Creatures”


I’m a leopard with a message

Between our last visit to the zoo a few years ago and last week, there were lots of changes. For one, they had revamped the whole place and added more open-air areas for animals. Staff steered visitors along the freshly painted yellow arrows along the pathways.

My favorite part was the (let Sandi smirk!) animal cutouts placed strategically with speech balloons with messages. Of course, I had to stick my face into them all. And thus I became a peacock, a lioness, a giraffe, a leopard, a butterfly, and some other animals. It was a lovely, pleasant day, with the sky partially overcast and the clouds playing hide and seek with the sun. We had a picnic lunch and had a wonderful time.

The messages to the public about conserving wildlife and natural resources were well-delivered, inviting them to engage.

Meanwhile, I am now thrilled to have a whole series of photos of me as different animals and birds. About the “cute creature” part, please direct all questions and doubts to my friend and son.



Six Word Photo Story Challenge

Boost Nominator, Publisher, Namaste Now! Editor, The Narrative Arc, Poet. Loves coffee, travel, cooking, photography, kicking diabetes' ass.