Vidya Sury © Posing with her friend and the bee-hive.


Let the Bees Be Busy

April Six Word Photo Story Challenge: “Reflect”


Slowing down from our hectic lives.

My friend called me to whine about how long it had been since we last met. We are in each other’s hair on WhatsApp, but it isn’t the same as getting together, holding hands, impromptu hugs, and wild laughter — is it?

We mused over how hectic our lives are—well, hers, anyway, since she commutes to work. Me — I am kind of unemployed, but I hang out on Medium and write on my blogs. My time is pretty flexible, even if it seems busy. I say ‘seems’ because I have the option of just playing hooky sometimes and spending my time as I wish to. Yes, if wishes were horses.

We decided to meet and realized that the January flower show was on at our local botanical gardens. The next day was the last. After some quick planning, we met there. We had a wonderful day walking around, taking photos, window shopping, talking, and enjoying the flower show.

A day spent in nature is always a good idea. As we listened to the vendor at a stall selling honey, we gazed at the hive, watching the bees. Seeing ourselves reflected on the glass was so appropriate with the way we lead our lives these days…



Six Word Photo Story Challenge

Boost Nominator, Publisher, Namaste Now! Editor, The Narrative Arc, Poet. Loves coffee, travel, cooking, photography, kicking diabetes' ass.