Photo Credit- Shubha Apte

Life Is Like A book, Make It A BestSeller

April Six Word Photo Story Challenge: “Life”

Shubha Apte
2 min readApr 19, 2023


You’re the author of your life

“The Book of Life has three volumes: the past, the present, and the yet-to-be. The first is written and laid away, the second we are writing every day, and the third and last of all will make the end of our trilogy.” — Ella Wheeler Wilcox.

This quote highlights the idea that our journey through life is like a story with different chapters and plot twists.

Just as a book has a beginning, middle, and end, so does our life. Each day presents us with new opportunities to turn the page and see what the next chapter holds.

As Phi Dang puts it, “The book of your life is a mixture of genres such as drama, romance, comedy, tragedy. The overarching genre that will always exist alongside everything else is suspense. We don’t know what will happen in life, we just keep turning the page.”

Reflecting on our own life stories, we can see that some chapters are happy, some are sad, and some are exciting. But we must keep turning the page to know what the next chapter holds.

We have a blank page each morning to put our pen on and write a new story. We can fill each page with adventure, love, and hope.

Despite the uncertainties and challenges of life, we must keep going and moving forward.

Like a book, our life has an end, but what we do with the pages in between is up to us. We can even make it a bestseller.

Thank you, Mary Chang Story Writer, for such a wonderful publication and Sandi Parsons, for the lovely April Prompt ‘Life’.

Recommend reading some wonderful stories from the following story weavers,

Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles, Dr. Preeti Singh, Dr. Gabriella Korosi, B.R. Shenoy, pockett dessert, Sanghita Pal, Jason Edmunds



Shubha Apte

A self-improvement advocate, my journey unfolds through , travel, and life experiences, and insights gained navigating the corporate world.