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Living with others

Six word photo story: Freestyle

Paul Gardner
1 min readAug 27, 2022


I’m going to be a mother

Late last summer we built a small screened-in porch in our backyard.

This summer we sit and enjoy observing our neighbors: deer, squirrels of many sorts, bats, bees, beetles, and a month ago, a skunk.

The skunk was a surprise and we watched her stroll beneath the deck of our human neighbor Hazel.

If you want the longer skunk story, I wrote about it here.

We tattled on the skunk. Hazel called the police. The police referred her to Dennis, our town’s Animal Relocation Officer.

I didn’t know we had a ARO.

Dennis traps unwanted critters and takes them outside town.

The skunk escaped two weeks of trapping but not so for five raccoons, including the one pictured above.

An expectant mother, said Dennis.

Another neighbor, Craig, captured her on video overturning his garbage can.


After her detention, expulsion & probation, Hazel asked Dennis to take away the traps.

Raccoons travel along a creek bed close to our neighborhood, crossing the border with impunity.

Hazel put lattice panels under her deck.

Craig found a garbage can with a tight lid.

None of us built a wall.

It’s not easy — living with others.

But not impossible.



Paul Gardner

I’m a retired college professor. Politics was my subject. Please don’t hold either against me. Having fun reading, writing, and meeting.